Monday, July 28, 2014

UCLA + Epic = easier clinical research

UCLA changed over to Epic health records system almost two years ago and it's been a bit of an adjustment for most of us. But, I love it now and I can't imaging going back to the old ways.

One of the main advantages of Epic is the ability to do research a lot quicker. To do clinical studies, my colleagues and I would often have to filter the imaging records (PACS) and health records for patients who meet the study's criteria. Doing this manually took many months sometimes. But, now I've discovered that we can query the Epic system like we would a database. How awesome is that! This is going to save me and my team so much time doing dull (yet important) task that can be handed over to the computer. We're going to do our first search soon so I'll keep you updated.

I'm really excited about Epic and the ability to expedite the clinical studies. We're also really lucky because we have the UCLA CTSI team who are ready to assist us.

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